Journals (guest editor)

Journals (invited reviewer)

Machine Learning, Journal of Web Semantics, Expert Systems with Applications, Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryComputational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Knowledge-based Systems, Information Sciences, Applied Intelligence, Group Decision and Negotiation, The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, Semantic Web, Scientific Reports - Nature, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Theory and Practice of Logical Programming, BMC Bioinformatics, Scientometrics

Member of program committees

I am serving as a member of the program committee for the following upcoming conferences on machine learning and artificial intelligence:

In 2025:

In 2024:

In 2023:

In 2022:

In 2021:

In 2020: 

PC member of previously held international conferences and workshops:

IJCAI/ECAI (2018, 2019), ECML/PKDD (2018, 2019),  RuleML+RR (2014, 2015, 2019), ISWC (2019), ESWC (2017-2018), ISWC Posters and Demos (2016-2019). QOD  - Quality of Open Data workshop (2018-2019), several ITAT workshops, Znalosti, Data-Znalosti, LWDA.

Conference organization

Publicity co-chair of RuleML+RR 2024, Program co-chair of Rule Challenge@DeclarativeAI 2023. Program co-chair Explainable Machine Learning workshop at KI 2020, 2nd Interpretable Machine Learning (XI-ML) at KI 2022. Program co-chair RuleML+RR 2020 (as part of DeclarativeAI 2020). Steering committee member of RuleML (2019-).  Track co-chair at RuleML 2015. Local co-chair for RuleML 2014

Reviews of doctoral theses or doctoral projects

Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Czech Technical University (Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Electronic Engineering), University of West Bohemia (Faculty of Applied Sciences), University of Technology Brno (Faculty of Information Technology), Slovak Technical University (Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology).

Reviews for funding bodies

Flanders Research Foundation (FWO)

Member of College of Expert Reviewers of the European Science Foundation (ESF)

Theses supervision

Supervised two successfully defended doctoral theses and over 30 Master and Bachelor theses.   

RuleML Webinar

Since July 2019, I run the RuleML Webinar.